contoh kalimat lucian mureșan
Tim kami telah diberitahu bahwa terjemahan untuk "lucian mureșan" tidak dapat ditemukan.
Do you believe Lucian died the way they say? Kau percaya Lucian tewas seperti kata mereka?; Lucian will always be the first of breed. Lu...

la mure
The screenplay is by Huston, based on the novel by Pierre La Mure. Skenarionya dibuat oleh Huston, berdasarkan pada novel karya Pierre L...

lucian blaga
But probably the most important writers were Tudor Arghezi, Lucian Blaga and Mircea Eliade. Tapi mungkin para penulis yang paling pentin...

lucian freud
Contemporary painters include Lucian Freud, whose work Benefits Supervisor Sleeping in 2008 set a world record for sale value of a paint...

provinsi mureş
The Deleni gas field is a natural gas field located in Băgaciu, Mureş County. Ladang gas Deleni adalah ladang gas alam yang terletak di...

târgu mureş
Haţeg – Timişoara (TSR) – 175 km Haţeg – Târgu Mureş (TGM) – 201 km

Bogdan expelled the descendants of Louis's vassal, Dragoș, from the principality. Bogdan mengusir keturunan vasal Lajos, Dragoș, dari k...

And that's an up-close picture of a lotus leaf. Ada juga gambar jarak dekat daun teratai.; You don't chant an "om." Engkau mengirim berk...

as an
Today we talk of people as an asset. Hari ini kita membicarakan penduduk sebagai modal berharga.; We can do it as an outpatient procedur...

of an
But it was kind of an interesting thought. Tapi ini memang merupakan sebuah pemikiran yang menarik.; You can change the fabric of an ent...

such an
Such an underrepresented question in math curriculum. Pertanyaan seperti itu sangat jarang ada di kurikulum matematika.; Everyone puts s...

will be an
"Neither do I. It will be an adventure, sir." "Saya juga tidak. Anda dapat berpetualang, Pak."; To die will be an awfully big adventure....